Timothy once enjoyed a life of working in construction, until his unfortunate diagnosis of bone cancer at the young age of 24.
Although the cancer was successfully eliminated, his recovery cost him the bone in his arm. Due to the cancerous bone being replaced with titanium, Timothy’s mobility became restricted and his career in construction became a significant struggle. These issues made it difficult for him to maintain employment.
Timothy’s inability to earn a stable income clashed with the rising cost of living. Hoping to be self-sufficient and avoid burdening family, he obtained a bed in Coalition and resided there for eight months.
While in this non-ideal housing situation, Timothy enrolled in school in IT in order to gain skills outside physical labor.
Fortunately, during this overwhelming time, Timothy was placed in the Permenant Supportive Housing program and was assigned a case manager at Pathway Homes. His case manager assisted him with obtaining an apartment for independent living.
Timothy has been extremely grateful for the housing and additional services. He successfully stayed in housing for two years. We are thrilled to congratulate him in his final semester of school.