Pathway Changed and Saved My Life
Patricia came to Florida in 2011 and became homeless immediately.
She was using drugs and alcohol and bounced between couch surfing and living in a tent in the woods. She had been diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and was not taking her medication.
She had no income and was just existing on the streets when she met Nancy Martinez from the Orlando Hope Team. Nancy worked with Patricia to get her mental health assistance and started the process of getting her on the housing list.
She was awarded Social Security Income in 2017. After 6 years on the streets she was put on the Permanent Supportive Housing list in early 2017 and was housed with Pathway Homes on June 1, 2017.
Once she was in her apartment, she started to reconnect with her family from whom she had been estranged for years. Her sister comes to visit her every year.
She stopped using drugs and alcohol and started working on recovery goals. She got her license back, bought a vehicle and spends her time now helping others by taking them to doctor appointments, referring others to assistance with housing and detox, and cooking meals for some of her neighbors who were also formerly homeless.
She always has a smile on her face and says that Pathway Homes changed and saved her life.