2023 has been another great year of providing help and hope to fellow Floridians facing homelessness. For 2024, we wish for more opportunities for health and happiness for those we serve. Your generosity has brought promise to real people who are in the process of recovering their dreams and forging a better life.
Here are people whose lives you’ve touched this year through your investments:
• Richard lives in a nice apartment located in Orlando and enjoys the outdoors. Before Pathways, he was employed but not making enough to afford an apartment. Instead, his home was a campsite in the woods. Alcohol abuse was also a personal challenge. With the help of the Pathway’s team, he has lived in an apartment for over six years and is connected to services. Today, he doesn’t have to worry about items being stolen from his tent. He pays his bills, makes good decisions, and reconnects with his mother. His next goal is to find a part-time job while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
• James likes to play chess, read, and learn new things. The 76-year-old credits his involvement with Pathway Homes for saving his life. Prior to Pathway Homes, James—along with his girlfriend who was in poor health—was sleeping on sidewalks and park benches. Pathway Homes helped them find housing, and she was able to pass with the dignity of having a home. With the support of Pathway Homes and the housing first model, he began changing behaviors, learning to communicate better, and actively managing his own health. He developed supportive relationships within the community and rekindled a relationship with his family. Having a home was the starting point.
By removing barriers, helping them get housing, access to community-based healthcare, and other supportive services, Richard, James, and so many more have a chance to build their futures and fulfill their dreams. Pathway Homes has enabled hundreds of homeless individuals and families in Central Florida to access affordable housing and residential case management to help them recover their lives.
Our holiday wish is to help even more individuals thrive—find their voices, have hope, and achieve their potential. With your continued support, we can. Please see our wish list that captures some ways you can help defray the costs of moving those we serve move into housing.
Please see our wish list below that captures some of our needs. Donate below and enter an amount equal to one of the wish list gift amounts – or pick an amount of your choosing.
With gratitude,
Sylisa Lambert-Woodard, EdD, LCSW, LSATP, MAC
CEO and President
Holiday Wish List 2023
1. Sponsor a Move ($500-$700) Help an individual or family move into their new home by helping to cover mover cost. Moving expenses can vary depending on the travel distance, amount of furniture to be moved, and whether the unit is an upstairs or downstairs unit.
2. Utilities and More ($100-$400) There are times when participants need a helping hand with upfront utility deposits, help to resolve an outstanding bill, or just a little support with paying a higher than usual bill. Removing these barriers assists participants with maintaining their housing.
3. Home Furnishings ($400) Help to purchase furnishings from one of our partnering agencies such as; beds, dinette tables, chairs, sofas, end tables, chests, etc.
4. Household Items ($100) When you first move into a new home, there are some additional items you will need to help make home feel like home; bath towels, garbage cans, brooms, mops, shower curtains, toaster ovens, welcome mats, etc. All of these items and more are the little things that are sometimes overlooked.
5. Cleaning Products and toiletries ($50) Taking care of your unit and you helps promote safety and wellness. Items such as dish soap, bar soap, toothpaste, deodorant, laundry detergent, toilet paper, cleaning products for bathroom and kitchen, bath towels, shower curtain, etc.
6. Storage Fees ($100-$300) For those moments participants are in between homes, they are in need to store their personal items and furnishings that they’re unable to bring into bridge housing. Paying storage fees allows participants to not lose any of their possessions as they often sometimes fell victim to when they experienced homelessness.
7. Gas Cards, Gift Cards, Bus passes ($50) We promote sustainability and independent living skills to enable participants to navigate and access resources within their communities. Being on a fixed income can create hardships when it comes to maintaining transportation and managing food expenses.
8. Rental Insurance, Pest Control, Landscaping ($100-$250) In addition to rent and utilities, there are additional expenses that participants may be responsible for and need support to pay for these additional costs.
See this list as a pdf that can be printed and shared with others.