Bring Your Flock to help others get their ducks in a row.
Sponsors play a critical role in the success of this event and the mission of Pathway Homes of Florida. More than 6,000 individuals are homeless in our region. All proceeds benefit Pathway Homes of Florida’s mission is to provide residential case management and mental health services for homeless families and individuals in Central Florida. Help by becoming a sponsor.
Presenting Sponsor
$10,000 – 2 Spots Available
Sign up to be a Presenting Sponsor
Your company will be the “Duck of the Day” with all the traditional media, social media, and in-person exposure you’ll receive as the Presenting Sponsor for our Annual Duck Day Race.
Your contribution directly helps provide mental health services and housing for Central Florida’s homeless population.

Pathway Homes of Florida’s Duck Race, Presented by: [Your Company Name]
- Premium media opportunities
- Press release announcing sponsorship
- Large logo on park digital signage
- Logo on Jumbotron and all print event signage
- Inclusion in Duck Day goodie bags
- 30 ducks in the race
- Social media takeover for a day
- Name inclusion on radio spots
- Premium onsite presence at event
- Speech during program
- Social media coverage and blitzes
- Prominent PHF web presence
Titanium Sponsor
Sign up to be a Titanium Sponsor
Be a titan of Duck Day and enjoy endless media opportunities and amazing in-person exposure as you support helping our homeless community.
- Ongoing media opportunities
- Top billing in event press releases
- Social media coverage and blitzes
- Superior logo placement on website
- Onsite event presence
- Logo on digital park signs throughout park
- Name inclusion in 5 radio spots
- 5 company mentions by emcee
- Medium logo on Jumbotron and event print signage
- Inclusion in Duck Day goodie bags
- 25 ducks in the race
Platinum Sponsor
Sign up to be a Platinum Sponsor
You’re no duck out of water, this sponsorship offers your company great social media coverage and in person opportunities while providing the mental health resources needed to eradicate homelessness.
- Social Media coverage and blitzes
- Press release inclusion
- Opportunity to be onsite during event
- Inclusion in Duck Day goodie bags for all participants
- Logo on Jumbotron and event print signage
- Logo on website
- Logo on digital park signs throughout the park
- 3 company mentions by emcee
- 15 ducks in race
Gold Sponsor
Sign up to be a Gold Sponsor
Like water off a duck’s back, this sponsorship allows you to have an onsite presence during our Duck Race, easy breezy and fun!
- Opportunity to be onsite during event
- Social media mentions
- Logo on website
- 2 company mentions by emcee
- Medium Logo on Jumbotron and vent signage
- Inclusion in Duck Day goodie bags given to all participants
- 10 Ducks in race
Silver Sponsor
Sign up to be a Silver Sponsor
As a silver sponsor you’ll enjoy how Duck Day promises to be everything it’s quacked up to be.
- Opportunity to be onsite during event
- Small logo on Jumbotron and event print signage
- Social Media inclusion
- Logo on website
- 1 company mention by emcee
- 5 ducks in the race
Bronze Sponsor
Sign up to be a Bronze Sponsor
This level provides ducky exposure for your company while also letting you help our homeless friends.
- Logo on website
- Logo on social media
- 3 ducks in race