Frequently Asked Questions

What are the biggest challenges / barriers facing the homeless community in Central Florida?

  • Lack of affordable and safe housing
  • Previous Evictions/criminal background
  • Inadequate health insurance
  • Lack of Day Service Programs


What are some statistics of homelessness in central Florida?

According to the COC Continuum of Care Central Florida Dashboard, the system saw just over 11,000 (11,206) homeless people entering the system last year:

  • Of the 11,206 approximately 1989 entered the system as chronically homeless
  • 449 of the 1989 were enrolled into PSH Permanent Supportive Programs such as Pathway Homes of Florida
  • 18% of people entering the system were chronic individuals, and while this may be a smaller fraction of the overall numbers, this population tends to be the most vulnerable and requires and utilizes more resources within the overall homeless population
  • PSH Permanent Supportive Housing Programs is currently serving 738 individuals across the COC Continuum of Care


In what ways can I help Pathways?

  • Donate to Pathway Homes of Florida
  • Check back regularly for volunteer opportunities
  • Become an advocate and promote awareness within the community (faith-based organizations, community centers, local businesses)


What distinguishes Pathway Homes approach?

  • Non-time limited housing
  • Utilize a Person-Centered Approach
  • Strong Advocacy for clients
  • Strength Based Interactions
  • Nonjudgmental Approach